Kroc Center Winter Health Fair
We hosted a booth giving away fun prizes, did some fun tooth chart activities with the kids and shared fun brushing habits and techniques. We also had Pip present for some fun photo ops!
Dodgeball Tournament (March- SLV)
Entered in a Dodgeball Team with Acorn Employees and some of their friends to compete, Held a fun booth for the kiddos present that day, arts and crafts, corn hole, PIP cheering on and playing with the kids, giveaways and more!
Kroc Center Family Fair
Booth with fun giveaway prizes, games, activities and new patient recruitments!
Goblin Walk
Halloween trick or treating event for kids to trick or treat at local businesses. Gave out prize machine tokens and had pumpkins decorated for voting!
Millersburg Celebration
Booth with fun giveaway prizes, games, activities and new patient recruitments!
Homer Davenport Parade
Themed float with Acorn employees and their families, Pip dancing to music and passing out fun goodies! (Acorn Sunglasses)
Salem Riverfront Family Fest
Fun and Educational booth with games, giveaways, activities and new patient recruitments!
Pet Parade
A parade that Acorn employees, their families and pets all walk in together. Some employees walk with an Acorn banner and others pass out Acorn frisbees for kids or their pets! Pip is there too!
Turkey Dash, Little Gobblers Walk/Run
Led the Little Gobbler warm ups before their walk, counted them down at the starting line and passed out medals when they returned. Also had a booth with giveaways, activities and new patient recruitments!